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  • Cornerteateret Kong Christian Frederiks Plass 4 5006 Bergen (kart)

- av Sajad Afsharian

Søndag 2. juni
Kl. 18.00

Cornerteateret, Kongesalen
Varighet: ca. 70 minutter


Skuespillet "Back to Black", skrevet, designet, regissert og spilt av Sajad Afsharian, har vært det mest sette skuespillet i løpet av de siste tre årene i Iran, og startet sine forestillinger siden vinteren 2021. Det ble først satt opp i Teheran, og deretter turnerte det byene Shiraz, Rasht og Mashhad. Den andre runden av oppsettingen av "Back to Black" begynte 17. august 2023 i hovedsalen til Teheran City Theater Complex, med to forestillinger hver kveld, og satte en enestående rekord i historien til dette komplekset på grunn av en meget varm velkomst fra publikum, kritikere og teaterkunstnere. Det har hatt over 350 forestillinger med over 150 000 tilskuere på scenen, og turnerer fortsatt både innenfor og utenfor Iran.


The play “Back to Black”, written, designed, directed, and played by Sajad Afsharian was the most seen play during the past three years in Iran and started its performances since winter 2021. It first went on stage in Tehran and then toured the cities of Shiraz, Rasht, and Mashhad. The second round of Back to Black staging began on August 17, 2023 in the main hall of Tehran City Theater Complex with two performances every night and was a unprecedented record in the history of this complex due to a very warm welcome from the audience, critics, and theater artists. It has had more than 350 performances with over 150,000 spectators seeing it on stage and is still touring inside and outside Iran.


*تئاتر بک تو بلک با نویسندگی ، طراحی ، کارگردانی و بازیگری سجاد افشاریان به عنوان پُر مخاطب ترین تئاتر ۳ سال ایران از سال ۱۴۰۰ اجراهایش را از تهران آغاز و سپس به شهرهای شیراز ، رشت و مشهد سفر کرد . بک تو بلک در دومین دور اجراهایش در تهران از ۲۶ مرداد تا ۷ مهر ۱۴۰۲، در سالن اصلی مجموعه تئاتر شهر هر روز با دو اجرا به روی صحنه رفت که به لحاظ استقبال مخاطبان تئاتر ، منتقدان و هنرمندان اتفاقی بی سابقه در تاریخ این مجموعه به حساب می آید . این تئاتر تا کنون بیش از سیصد و پنجاه شب با بیش از صد و پنجاه هزار مخاطب به روی صحنه رفته است و اجراهایش همچنان در داخل و خارج از ایران ادامه دارد .

Back to Black is a story of an Iranian artist, named Ali, who has been imprisoned for several years for recording documentary voices and interviews with people from different classes of society and in various geographical locations in Iran about their lives, their past memories, as well as their social and political problems and concerns.

In one of his leaves, he falls in love with a girl named Sormeh who is a singing instructor. Ali marries her and returns to the jail after the leave is over to find out his legal file is missing. Now the problem is until the file is not found, his case could not be proceeded and he has to stay in prison.

Conditions worsen every day for Ali inside the prison. The only relief he has is speaking with his close friend, Heydar, on the phone. Heydar is working in a bookstore and he gives Ali the news from outside the jail walls.

Sormeh is pregnant but the baby is miscarried due to an incident in one of their visits in the prison. The baby is born dead and that adds to the heavy pressure of prolonged imprisonment. They all leads to Ali becoming further depressed.

Ali only wanted to listen to the unvoiced pains of the people; but now lack of freedom of expression has brought him a bitter ending.


Ali: Do you know why solitary confinement is the worst kind of torture all over the world?

Sormeh: No, why?

Ali: Because they leave you alone with yourself, with all the happiness that are no longer yours, and all the twinge of guilt that are all yours. They say let him be with himself, alone, to see if he can deal with himself or not….

(from the play)


The concept of this performance is based on the imagination [of the audience]. Both characters of Sormeh and Heydar are only voices that are heard and the audience only see Ali on the stage, with a four-legged stool (which is a symbol of the stool used for execution) inside a closed rectangle with an area of a solitary confinement cell.

The play “Back to Black”, written, designed, directed, and played by Sajad Afsharian was the most seen play during the past three years in Iran and started its performances since winter 2021. It first went on stage in Tehran and then toured the cities of Shiraz, Rasht, and Mashhad.

The second round of Back to Black staging began on August 17, 2023 in the main hall of Tehran City Theater Complex with two performances every night and was a unprecedented record in the history of this complex due to a very warm welcome from the audience, critics, and theater artists.

It has had more than 350 performances with over one hundred thousand spectators seeing it on stage and is still touring inside and outside Iran.

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