Om stykket: Stykket handler om et ektepar som våkner en tidlig morgen og oppdager at de er helt alene i verden.
Språk: Persisk (tekstes på engelsk)
Aldersgrense: 15 år
Oppmøte: 30 min før forestilling. Forestilling starter presis kl 20:30 og da stenger dørene.
Regi: Mahdi Khanipour
Manus: Ali Hataminejad
Cast: Mahdi Khanipour, Sepideh Garakani
Regiassistent: Fahimeh Naghashi
Lyd og lysteknikk: Jan Holden
Video og fotografi: Siavash Kheirkhah
Produsent: Youth Unison
Introduction by the autor:
First: It all started with a picture. The picture of Pripyat city in Ukraine, a city attached to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant. The city that had been desolated due to the explosion of nuclear power plant and it is still empty. The pictures indicate a human catastrophe. A dynamic city which is now looks like a ghost town. The idea of writing about empty cities seemed appealing to me and became even more appealing when I thought about two people who happened to be a couple, live in such a city. A two person city; and it is not known where the others are ... in my opinion The situation and the idea were attractive, therefore the process of writing the play began in early 2017 with mentioning of this important question: “What is the reaction of the two to this action?”but the key to the adventure, is somewhere else; The key is in society and social coexistence.
Second: Let's review together again divine religions, human morality, human conscience, each of these come to mankind at historical turning points to show the line between good and evil, between norms and anomalies in a semi-transparent and relative way; but now in the age that you and I live in, the civil law and the need of peaceful coexistence and the existence of a society can keep us away from evil things. Perhaps most of us do not resort to violence because of the presence of others ... Perhaps we are afraid of being judged by others that we don’t allow that hidden violence hidden in us to rise like a monster from our inside.
Third: Now that I read the play again, I see that this emptiness of cities has come to us again due to the advent of the Coronavirus Pandemic. What a proud prediction!! (don’t be scared. I was joking) But seriously, during this quarantine period for pandemic the domestic violence has been erupted all over the world again. Maybe we are looking for a moment to vent our hidden violence somewhere ... I do not know, but I am scared.